Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Personal Objections To Latter-Day Saints

When you think of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) you may think of your friends, and neighbors. You may think of the missionaries you see riding their bikes in their short sleeved shirts and ties. Perhaps you've had family members who are Mormons, or who converted, or you may be a Mormon yourself.

But what is Mormonism all about?

LDS theology teaches us that we as men are capable of becoming gods if we hold fast and stick to the church's teachings and morals. It teaches by doing so we are capable of becoming equals with Christ and God the Father. It teaches that the mantle of Christian authority is not in some established church or network of autonomous churches, but has been passed to Joseph Smith and those who succeed him because they are Prophets of God. It teaches us that Joseph Smith was delivered unto gold plates that he translated into the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon (which the LDS preach) claims that the Native Americans are really ancient Israelites and that Christ came to give his message of the gospel to the Americas as well.

What is the nature of LDS theology to the Mormon conversion candidate?

A person who is considering baptism into the Mormon faith is impressed with certain ideas and Mormon teachings. These are just a few of the things that a new Mormon must believe that he/she may be baptized:
~That they believe smoking, using tobacco, and drinking "hot drinks" (coffee, tea, hot cocoa) are forbidden.
~That the Prophet of the LDS church IS a Prophet of God and that his edicts and sayings are binding.
~To except other forms of Scripture (Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearls of Great Price) as divinely inspired and delivered to Mormon Prophets.

What about Joseph Smith?

Joseph Smith is extolled as a Prophet by Mormons and they constantly proclaim that Joseph Smith restored the Church of Christ that had not ecisted since the death of the apostles. Joseph Smith has attained that God-like status that one hopes to attain in the LDS church. Joseph Smith is depicted as a great and goodly man by the Mormon church, but he has had several run-ins with the law in New York for fraudulence.

On the flipside, Mormons are wonderful people. I have many Mormon friends, co-workers, and associates and I love them very much. They are great spiritual people, but I don't agree with a lot of their theology. I used to, and once even considered becoming a member of their ranks but my girlfriend at the time was adamantly opposed. I have since pursued my faith in other things, but eventually returning to Christ. But I wish to emphasize that Mormons are good people.

These are just a few objections that I have to the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattter-Day Saints.