Monday, September 26, 2011

A Rememberance Of Those Who Have Helped Me.

I am really indebted to those around me who have allowed my Christianity to flourish. Namely three people as of late. My girlfriend Sophia, my former co-workers and friends, Mike and Bryan.

My girlfriend is incredibly special because she believes in Christ genuinely. It is so hard to find someone with strong moral and religious convictions in this age. Most of my peers are Atheistic or New Age. Her faith and the fact that she belongs to God are just some of her wonderful qualities. She is an amazing blessing in my life. :)

My friends Mike and Bryan I met at my former job. Bryan challenged me and sharpened my faith in Christ by talking with me for hours about theology, and I truly have cherished the talks we have shared. My friend and former co-worker Mike was also one who I talked to a lot about God for hours during and after work. He was less about engaging me on points, and more about sharing his faith. I'd like to think that some of it rubbed off on me.
I am truly thankful for these people because they helped me a lot with understanding who I am and what my purpose is.


The Mediator

Human beings are created beings. In being created beings they are purpose driven. They are given a task or calling or service to render they fellow creatures by the ever-loving one true God.
But man has proven throughout history that he is incapable of this service. The kingdoms of Judea and Israel did not follow God and so they fell. That is why Jesus came to atone for the sins of mankind. That is why Jesus Christ took upon himself your burden. Jesus is the sole mediator between man and God. He is that person in history that intercedes for us before the Father.

As it says in 1 Timothy 2:5, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus".

As created beings it is necessary that we establish our own connections with the creator through our divine mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ. The one who delivers us from the righteous damnation that awaits our entire species deserves for the wickedness it has perpetrated throughout time.

For it is the will of God that Christ did come to this earth. As stated in the Gospel of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

We must remember how fortunate we are that God loved us so much. That he would do that for us. How fortunate we truly are. Remember this good fortune in your prayers Brothers and Sisters, and let us remember our mediator before the Father. The one and only Jesus Christ.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Answering The Call?

I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have a great desire to serve God and develop my relationship with him. I want to follow my calling into the preaching. I believe that the time has come. I know what it is I must do. I am beginning to save my money and hopefully I will quit smoking to add to that newfound saving initiative.

I am now in the process of following the calling that my Lord gave me as a boy. I will right the wrongs in my life, and do the right thing. It is a great day to be alive. Although I know I will struggle, it is a struggle that is worth the effort because the reward is in heaven. As it says in the Book of Hebrews 10:32 "Remember those earlier days after you had recieved the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering."

I have searched in a great deal of places and seen many different things. But I am committed to Christ, like he was committed to me when he died on the cross.

It is amazing to know that there is a purpose for your life. I am changing my life accordingly. I am most grateful for the encouragement of my Brother Jeff James. If it was not for his reassurance I may have given up on this. Also to my good friend, Bryan. For sharpening me.

I will keep you informed as to the developments. May God be with you all.
