Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thoughts About Seventh Day Adventism

I come from a family that practiced (and some still do practice) Seventh Day Adventism. I never really had exposure to Adventist theology growing up but later in life I wanted to know what my family grew up in.
I went to one of my Adventist family members and got a copy of the book The Great Contraversy by Ellen White. The author of this book is also seen as the prophetic leader of the Seventh Day Adventist movement. It was a very intriguing read and it proposed a lot of very Anti-Catholic ideas as well as claiming that there was another church that was suppressed by Rome, claiming that Rome was the Anti-Christian institution that was trying to destroy the "real" church that observed the sabbath on the traditional Jewish day of Saturday.

Although I really enjoyed the book I did not view it as any real religious authority on matters of faith an morals, but moreso a story.

I watched a lot of videos from a prominent adventist from the 80's Jim Arrabito. He was an outspoken critic of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. He gave me the vibe of someone who was deeply convicted in his belief but I am not certain if our beliefs are the same.

I love my family and I do believe that God is the one who saves us from ourselves and our sins towards one another. I rest easy knowing that my SDA family feels the same way.

God Bless You All!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Rememberance Of Those Who Have Helped Me.

I am really indebted to those around me who have allowed my Christianity to flourish. Namely three people as of late. My girlfriend Sophia, my former co-workers and friends, Mike and Bryan.

My girlfriend is incredibly special because she believes in Christ genuinely. It is so hard to find someone with strong moral and religious convictions in this age. Most of my peers are Atheistic or New Age. Her faith and the fact that she belongs to God are just some of her wonderful qualities. She is an amazing blessing in my life. :)

My friends Mike and Bryan I met at my former job. Bryan challenged me and sharpened my faith in Christ by talking with me for hours about theology, and I truly have cherished the talks we have shared. My friend and former co-worker Mike was also one who I talked to a lot about God for hours during and after work. He was less about engaging me on points, and more about sharing his faith. I'd like to think that some of it rubbed off on me.
I am truly thankful for these people because they helped me a lot with understanding who I am and what my purpose is.


The Mediator

Human beings are created beings. In being created beings they are purpose driven. They are given a task or calling or service to render they fellow creatures by the ever-loving one true God.
But man has proven throughout history that he is incapable of this service. The kingdoms of Judea and Israel did not follow God and so they fell. That is why Jesus came to atone for the sins of mankind. That is why Jesus Christ took upon himself your burden. Jesus is the sole mediator between man and God. He is that person in history that intercedes for us before the Father.

As it says in 1 Timothy 2:5, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus".

As created beings it is necessary that we establish our own connections with the creator through our divine mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ. The one who delivers us from the righteous damnation that awaits our entire species deserves for the wickedness it has perpetrated throughout time.

For it is the will of God that Christ did come to this earth. As stated in the Gospel of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

We must remember how fortunate we are that God loved us so much. That he would do that for us. How fortunate we truly are. Remember this good fortune in your prayers Brothers and Sisters, and let us remember our mediator before the Father. The one and only Jesus Christ.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Answering The Call?

I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have a great desire to serve God and develop my relationship with him. I want to follow my calling into the preaching. I believe that the time has come. I know what it is I must do. I am beginning to save my money and hopefully I will quit smoking to add to that newfound saving initiative.

I am now in the process of following the calling that my Lord gave me as a boy. I will right the wrongs in my life, and do the right thing. It is a great day to be alive. Although I know I will struggle, it is a struggle that is worth the effort because the reward is in heaven. As it says in the Book of Hebrews 10:32 "Remember those earlier days after you had recieved the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering."

I have searched in a great deal of places and seen many different things. But I am committed to Christ, like he was committed to me when he died on the cross.

It is amazing to know that there is a purpose for your life. I am changing my life accordingly. I am most grateful for the encouragement of my Brother Jeff James. If it was not for his reassurance I may have given up on this. Also to my good friend, Bryan. For sharpening me.

I will keep you informed as to the developments. May God be with you all.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Personal Objections To Latter-Day Saints

When you think of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) you may think of your friends, and neighbors. You may think of the missionaries you see riding their bikes in their short sleeved shirts and ties. Perhaps you've had family members who are Mormons, or who converted, or you may be a Mormon yourself.

But what is Mormonism all about?

LDS theology teaches us that we as men are capable of becoming gods if we hold fast and stick to the church's teachings and morals. It teaches by doing so we are capable of becoming equals with Christ and God the Father. It teaches that the mantle of Christian authority is not in some established church or network of autonomous churches, but has been passed to Joseph Smith and those who succeed him because they are Prophets of God. It teaches us that Joseph Smith was delivered unto gold plates that he translated into the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon (which the LDS preach) claims that the Native Americans are really ancient Israelites and that Christ came to give his message of the gospel to the Americas as well.

What is the nature of LDS theology to the Mormon conversion candidate?

A person who is considering baptism into the Mormon faith is impressed with certain ideas and Mormon teachings. These are just a few of the things that a new Mormon must believe that he/she may be baptized:
~That they believe smoking, using tobacco, and drinking "hot drinks" (coffee, tea, hot cocoa) are forbidden.
~That the Prophet of the LDS church IS a Prophet of God and that his edicts and sayings are binding.
~To except other forms of Scripture (Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearls of Great Price) as divinely inspired and delivered to Mormon Prophets.

What about Joseph Smith?

Joseph Smith is extolled as a Prophet by Mormons and they constantly proclaim that Joseph Smith restored the Church of Christ that had not ecisted since the death of the apostles. Joseph Smith has attained that God-like status that one hopes to attain in the LDS church. Joseph Smith is depicted as a great and goodly man by the Mormon church, but he has had several run-ins with the law in New York for fraudulence.

On the flipside, Mormons are wonderful people. I have many Mormon friends, co-workers, and associates and I love them very much. They are great spiritual people, but I don't agree with a lot of their theology. I used to, and once even considered becoming a member of their ranks but my girlfriend at the time was adamantly opposed. I have since pursued my faith in other things, but eventually returning to Christ. But I wish to emphasize that Mormons are good people.

These are just a few objections that I have to the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattter-Day Saints.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Reading Revelations

I have been searching through the book of Revelations recently as I have been searching for evidence in my recent investigation of the rapture theory. My cousin told me that the rapture is certain it is only a matter of when, but does he have reason and evidence for his belief in this idea? I trust and love my cousin but I am not convinced of the validity of the idea of a rapture, especially after people like Harold Camping take advantage of those who believe it and propagate it to the Christian community.

It was interesting to hear the book again, as it had been years since I have read it. Most recently I have been focused on Paul's epistles, and the four gospels. It is a bit frightenening and it is a bit comforting.

Although I enjoyed reading it so much I read it again yesterday, and through all these readings the major idea I get from it is that a man will be judged by his deeds. That Jesus still walks amongst the churches, and we are to remember our sinful nature as men and repent of our sins to God. That we remember where we come from. If we overcome this sin we will partake of the fruit of the tree of life. If we are faithful unto death we shall be given the crown of life. God will give unto everyone according to their works. Jesus will testify on the behalf of those who endure to the end and clothe them in white robes. As many as he loves, he rebukes and chastens.

I am going to read 1st Thessalonians today in my pursuit of the rapture idea evidence. But it was interesting to read the prophesy of Revelations. I continue my studies today. May the Lord be with with and bless you and keep you. Amen.

"And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loosen the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth , was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." ~ Revelation 5:1-5

Sunday, May 22, 2011

After The Rapture

I feel it is necessary for me to mention the Rapture phenomenon that took hold in the United States recently because of a man named Harold Camping. He had predicted that the world would end at 6 pm on Saturday May 21, 2011. As you can see by the fact I am writing this on May 22nd, things didn't work out quite as much as Mr. Camping had planned. What is disgusting is that this man preyed on the fear of people to line his pockets, Camping's ministry took in millions over this "event". Billboards went up all across the country, and the fear factory was turned up to full blast to get those dollars in. It is a shame that this happens, and attacks the image of sound, and intelligent Christians across the world who know that God is the one who decides on our fates, not some guy in California.
I pray that Jesus shows mercy on our nation and the people who take advantage of good Christian people across the land, because I believe if they don't seek repentance (as must I for my sins) they will burn in a fiery torment.
God be with you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is America A Christian Nation?

The nation in which I live is the only one I'd ever want to live in. The religious freedom awarded to us as Americans is a freedom that is the most gracious in history.

We can pursue our beliefs how God directs us. This gives people the oppurtunity to find Christ for themselves and search for God in their own way.

But with this freedom how is America identified today?

Some people would say that America is not a Christian nation. Many people say it is.

I believe it is a Majority Christian nation, with two rising camps of religious/philosophical influence.

Militant Atheism is on the rise in the United States, as well as conversion to Islam.

Militant Atheism is becoming more and more the norm in most circles, and one could be seen as less than inteligent if he or she were to share their belief in Christ or God. This is most credited to the Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens movement in literature.

Islam is reaching out more thoroughly in prisons and college campuses.

Even with these two factors I still hold to America being a Majority Christian nation.

More Americans are Christian than any other faith. Christmas and Easter are state holidays. When polled most Americans identify as Christian. Christianity has played an important role of the morals of the men who founded this country. We have a long Christian tradition.

Although Atheism is growing and Islam is also holding it's own, American remains and most likely will remain a Majority Christian nation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sidenote: Sabbath

There is a great deal of passages that alude to the importance of keeping the sabbath day holy. It is set aside as a way for God to know who follows Him. To know that we are His followers. Those who believe in Christ may or may not be excluded from this requirement.
I am of the persuasion that the sabbath day is saturday, that was and still is the custom in Rabbinic Judaism.
God commanded that we not remove a jot or tittle from the law. That he came not to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfill them.
Something to think about.

Is God Love?

God is love is a very common phrase that I have heard. It's quoted by those people who try to justify their own personal interpretations of God as this hippie, pacifist image. It's also quoted as a hookline for those who seek converts to the faith.

As tacky as it may seem it is also true. God is love, when linking the understanding of love that he had when he sent the Messiah to die for us and that we be absolved of our sins by his sacrifice. I am of the interpretation that we humans make up our own gods to satisfy our own needs in a deity. But Christians take to the scriptures, the gospel of Jesus, the Letters of Paul, Peter, and others, as well as taking the Jewish Bible's scripture as Divine as well, and have their own linkage with the nature of God and spirituality.

This sacrfice is what can be most easily obtained from the concept of the gospels. God loved his creation so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son for it. The Holy Spirit of God still works in the hearts of those who believe in Christ. Christ gave all men a passage to heaven and the service of God.

Sacrifice is a token of the deepest form of love. Like the love of a father to his son, or of a noble Master to his servant. We must try to remember this intense gift that God has given us as his people. The atonement of sins, so that we might live and flourish with the love and blessings of the Almighty.

I become more dedicated to pursuing my journey with God.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Understanding My Journey Into Christianity

I suppose that I should start this blog by explaining my deeper journey into understanding the Christian faith, and why I chose to follow Jesus Christ and become a Christian. It is a story that I think all Christians should document and whatever manner they came to Christ is not any more important (to me) than any other persons story. The important thing is that we have come to the realization and understanding that God is not only real, but benevolent and loving. It is through the understanding of God as a Triune being and being completely omnipotent that we then learn our place in His world and understand how fortunate we are to live in it.

I began my life in a Christian family. My father was a Christian with a Protestant background, and my mother had grown up in the Seventh Day Adventist church (later to become a Christian who observed sunday). My parents had their struggles throughout life but I am fortunate to have had them as moral instructors, even if I may disagree with them sometimes I understand their points of view and am blessed to be able to call them mom and dad. When I began my education I attended a Christian school in Clearwater, Florida so where I excelled in Bible lessons and established a foundation for my faith. They divorced when I was 5 years old and my father moved upstate to Tallahassee, and I stayed in Clearwater with my mother and her family. As my years continued I found myself attending church with my Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Deb who helped me in fashioning my Christian identity, and my Uncle Joe and Aunt Lil (who were Unitarians) who helped me fashion my mind in a open-minded understanding of the world and it's philosophies. Eventually I met a man named Greg Paus.

Greg Paus was a youth minister at Jim and Deb's church and my Christianity was nutured by him for a while. He was present at my baptism, which was performed in Lake Wales at the age of 12. Eventually I came to a point where Mr. Paus confronted me with a startling claim. He told me that if I did not believe that Jesus Christ was "God in the flesh" that I was not truly a Christian. This was a startling claim to me, being only 12 or 13 years old at the time, and made me question the zeal I had for my faith. I don't think that Mr. Paus knew it at the time, but he forced me to reconsider my identity. I left the church not long after that discussion and I began to only attend the Unitarian church for the remainder of my secondary education.

As a Unitarian I began to go from being an active Christian who just happened to be tolerant of all worldviews, to an ardent believer in more worldly ideas such as:

• Communism

• Social Liberalism

• Atheism (Although I tended to stick with Agnosticism)

I began to practice behavior outside the Unitarian community that was not productive such as:

• Smoking Cigarettes

• Smoking Marijuana

• Using Other Illegal Drugs

• Selling Illegal Drugs

• Drinking Alchohol Heavily

• Lying Compulsively

As time went on I gathered around me people who would not point out my errors because they practiced the same kinds of behavior. I felt secure that these people would not judge me for what I was doing because they did the same things, so it would be hypocritical for them to pass judgement on me.

When I was seventeen I was skipping school all the time and sneaking out and stealing money to "party" with my "friends" and it came to a point where my mother gave me an ultimatum. Either I could conform to the rules of her house or I could leave and go live with my father. I ended up choosing the latter. My father came to get me and I moved with him to Tallahassee.

When I got to Tallahassee, my father and grandmother forced me to understand the value of hard work and enabled me to become a sober, clear-headed individual once again. At that point my father reintroduced me to Christ and made me read the Bible with him. I also began to read the works of Andrew Murray, Charles Stanley, C.S. Lewis, and others in companion with scripture. I got my GED at the age of 17 and began attending college at Tallahassee Community College. Things were starting to look up.

I don't blame anyone but myself for my eventual fall, let that be clear, but I met a man named Andy. Andy was a drug dealer, who was not very wise in his business practice, and I seized the oppurtunity to exploit Andy and to be an "advisor" to him in exchange for free drugs and access to the rowdy party crowd of Florida State University (which is quite active). I began to sneak out from my Dad's and stay in the city for days at a time. I began to use harder drugs, and eventually my studies were secondary to my party lifestyle and my grades reflected this. I had ruined my second chance, and left Tallahassee in disgrace. I returned to my mother and took my old job at KFC, and eventually became a rodman and instrument operator for a several private surveying firms in the area.

I met a nice girl and began thinking about marriage and starting a family at that point. But I had a deep conviction to have religion in my family life (because of my reversion in Tallahassee). That's when I met the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

The Elders, as they are called, where named Grimm, Westwood, Steed, Bigler, Peck, and DeOlivera. I began a long journey where I eventually thought I would become a Mormon. The Mormon church's plan of salvation coincided with my own beliefs (at the time) of the separation of God the father, and Jesus Christ. I eventually tried to make my household a Mormon one. My girlfriend at the time, was incredibly opposed to this idea. She was not a Christian, but in fact had a Jewish upbringing. So with that I abandoned the process of joining the Mormon church (among other reasons) and began to learn about Judaism.

In my studies about Judaism (which is a vast and in-depth way of life more than it is a religion I believe) I met a man name Ronen Levi Yitzchak Segal. Ronen began to profess Judaism to me and I became a zealous believer in it's doctrine, I set Jesus to the side and followed this new path. Eventually Ronen committed suicide, which was heartbreaking, and I found myself without a leader and around that time my relationship with that woman had come to an end.

I began to live wildly again, drinking, smoking pot, abusing other drugs, and chasing after women. I eventually came to a point where enough was enough. Still professing Judaism at the time, I went to Tallahassee to visit my father and his family for Christmas in 2009. It was there in discussion with my father I felt compelled on the evening of December 24th to go out into the woods of my father's land and pray for the proper direction (to be honest at the time I was trying to decide whether I should stay Jewish or convert to Islam!). There I felt the presence of Jesus, I don't believe it's necessary to explain the details of this event, but I will say that Jesus Christ had stepped in and actively made me rethink the faith I had grown up with.

I began to look into Christianity again. I engaged in serious debates with my cousin Josh (the son of Jim and Deb) and challenged him to defend his Christianity, and he did. He talked to me about the understanding of the Trinity, he informed me that my old teacher Mr. Paus had passed away, and was very graceful in the way we communicated. Our debates made me question my half Jewish, half muslim worldview. I wrestled with the ideas and proposals he made, and around October-November of 2010 I fully accepted Jesus Christ as my savior in my heart and in January 2011 I professed this with my lips.

Before this open profession, I changed my life in a postive way. I no longer use drugs of any kind. I pray before meals, and pray nightly thanking God for the wonderful things he has provided me. I met a woman who shares my spirituality. I have developed better relationships with my parents and family.

I am thankful to God for everything he has given me, and am thankful for his son Jesus Christ, who has washed away my sins and allowed me to make steps foward toward a better future.

Thank you for reading, and may God bless you in everything you endeavor to do.