Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is God Love?

God is love is a very common phrase that I have heard. It's quoted by those people who try to justify their own personal interpretations of God as this hippie, pacifist image. It's also quoted as a hookline for those who seek converts to the faith.

As tacky as it may seem it is also true. God is love, when linking the understanding of love that he had when he sent the Messiah to die for us and that we be absolved of our sins by his sacrifice. I am of the interpretation that we humans make up our own gods to satisfy our own needs in a deity. But Christians take to the scriptures, the gospel of Jesus, the Letters of Paul, Peter, and others, as well as taking the Jewish Bible's scripture as Divine as well, and have their own linkage with the nature of God and spirituality.

This sacrfice is what can be most easily obtained from the concept of the gospels. God loved his creation so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son for it. The Holy Spirit of God still works in the hearts of those who believe in Christ. Christ gave all men a passage to heaven and the service of God.

Sacrifice is a token of the deepest form of love. Like the love of a father to his son, or of a noble Master to his servant. We must try to remember this intense gift that God has given us as his people. The atonement of sins, so that we might live and flourish with the love and blessings of the Almighty.

I become more dedicated to pursuing my journey with God.

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